Crack the Cyber Security Career Code

Crack the Cyber Security Career Code


Getting into the field of cyber security for most people is quite complicated because resources that map out a very clear path into the feld are very scarce. With that said, there is no shortage of information about this subject but if care is not taken in leveraging a lot of the available resources, one is very likely to get more confused than enlightened. This is the challenge that this course aims to solve through the DRAPE methodology, which is a blueprint for getting into cyber security. DRAPE is an acronym for Discover, Relate, Acquire, Plan and Execute.
While developing this course, the author figured that having a blueprint like this should make things easier for individuals who are trying to break into the field of cyber security. This thought was fueled by his experience as a cyber talent developer who has been privileged to help many individuals break into the field.

In cracking the cyber security career code, the first thing you want to do is DISCOVER the field. In this course, you did that by understanding fundamental cyber security attributes and the motivations of enterprise defenders and cyber adversaries in relation to cyber defense and cyber attack, respectively. You also learned about what it takes to break into cyber security, as well as overview of cyber threats, common types of threat actors, and overview of vulnerabilities

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