Design IoT project using ESP-32 Microcontroller

Design IoT project using ESP-32 Microcontroller

IoT impacts every business. Mobile and the Internet of Things will change the types of devices that connect into a company’s systems. These newly connected devices will produce new types of data. The Internet of Things will help a business gain efficiencies, harness intelligence from a wide range of equipment, improve operations and increase customer satisfaction. IoT will also have a profound impact on people’s lives. It will improve public safety, transportation and healthcare with better information and faster communications of this information. While there are many ways that the Internet of Things could impact society and business, there are at least three major benefits of IOT that will impact every business, which include: communication, control and cost savings.

The explosive growth of the “Internet of Things” is changing our world and the rapid drop in price for typical IoT components is allowing people to innovate new designs and products at home. In this first class in the specialization you will learn the importance of IoT in society, the current components of typical IoT devices and trends for the future. IoT design considerations, constraints and interfacing between the physical world and your device will also be covered. You will also learn how to make design trade-offs between hardware and software. We’ll also cover key components of networking to ensure that students understand how to connect their device to the Internet. Please note that this course does not include discussion forums.

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