Filp Flops and its application in Digital Electronics

Filp Flops and its application in Digital Electronics

In electronics, a flipflop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information – a bistable multivibrator. Such data storage can be used to store state, and such a circuit is described as sequential logic in electronicsFlip flops can store a single bit of data, i.e., 1 or 0. Registers are used to store multiple bits of data. According to digital electronics, a Register is a device that is used to store information. As a single flip flop is allowed for 1 – bit storage, n flip flops are connected to store n bits of data. Applications of Flip-Flops

  • Counters.
  • Frequency Dividers.
  • Shift Registers.
  • Storage Registers.
  • Bounce elimination switch.
  • Data storage.
  • Data transfer.
  • Latch.
    The R-S (Reset Set) flip flop is the simplest flip flop of all and easiest to understand. It is basically a device with two outputs, one output being the inverse or complement of the other. A pulse on one of the inputs to take on a particular logical state.
    The JK Flip Flop is basically a gated RS flip flop with the addition of the clock input circuitry. … The JK Flip Flop has four possible input combinations because of the addition of the clocked input. The four inputs are “logic 1”, ‘logic 0”. “No change’ and “Toggle.

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