XSLT XPATH and XQuery Fundamentals

XSLT XPATH and XQuery Fundamentals

Learn the fundamentals of XSLT, XPath and XQuery.

If you know XML, XSLT is easy to master. This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of each component of XSLT:

  • You will learn how to create XSL document and provide transformation instructions through templates.
  • You will address the XML Elements by learning the basics of XPATH.
  • You will apply your understanding of XSL and XPATH to navigate and transform a XML Document.
  • You will then Learn the XQuery syntax and use it to query a XML document.

Adds value to your resume

Adding XSLT, XPath & XQuery in addition to your current Development skills will look great on your resume.

What are the requirements?

  • Eclipse IDE(Installation is covered in easy setup section)
  • A basic understanding of HTML and XML

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Become a navigator of XML by learning the basics of XPath
  • Apply your understanding of XSL and your ability to navigate using XPATH to XSLT
  • Use your new XPath & XSLT skills to manipulate and transform your XML
  • Use Query syntax to query and transform XML

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