pfSense for Dummies Setup and Configure your own firewall

pfSense for Dummies Setup and Configure your own firewall

In session 1 & 2 , we will see what exactly is a firewall. The concept behind a firewall. Why should we use a firewall in our network and why are we choosing pfsense as our firewall. The specialities, the features of pfsense.

Contents Index:

Explaining Firewall Concepts

Advantages of pfSense

Downloading pfSense and Creating Bootable USB Drive

Installing Additional Network Card in PC (Actual Lab Scenario)

Making Network Connections : WAN – pfSense – LAN (Actual Lab Scenario)

Installing pfSense (Actual Lab Scenario)

DHCP – IP Address Assignment & Resolving Conflicts (Actual Lab Scenario)

Testing Connectivity and Troubleshooting (Actual Lab Scenario)

Virtual Box pfSense – Defining Network Plan

VirtualBox pfSense – Downloading Prerequisites

VirtualBox pfSense – Pre-installation Configuration

VirtualBox pfSense – Installation

VirtualBox Ubuntu Installation

pfSense – Console Options – Quick Overview

pfSense – Web Wizard

pfSense – Web Dashboard

pfSense – System Advanced Options Quick Overview

pfSense System Options – Part 1 Cert-Manager, General Sync & Package Manager

pfSense System Options – Part 2 Routing, updates and User Management

pfSense – Interfaces

pfSense – Firewall – Aliases and Port Forwarding, Rules, Schedules, Traffic Shapper, Status Logs

pfSense – Captive Portal – Part 1 – Configuration with Custom Guest Login Page

pfSense – Captive Portal – Part 2 – Voucher Based Login

PfSense – pfBlock – Website Blocking and Restrictions – Part 1

PfSense – pfBlock – Website Blocking and Restrictions – Part 2

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