Hands-On pfSense 2.x for Firewalls and Routers

Hands-On pfSense 2.x for Firewalls and Routers

pfSense is an open-source security suite based on OpenBSD, the world’s most secure operating system. It is used by top-notch network security professionals to provide highly versatile network control complete with advanced traffic routes, firewalls, and monitoring tools.

This course will teach you how to install and configure core pfSense services such as firewalls, routing, and network segregation. You will also learn how to successfully secure, monitor, and maintain your networks with pfSense. Advanced topics include custom firewall rules, automated blocking, virtual private networks, and more!

We will create a virtual network with two secure LANs, a DMZ and a public Internet connection with robust security features. By the end of this course, you will be confident using pfSense to secure physical and virtual networks using the industry’s most exciting network perimeter defense system

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