Android Apps for Arduino with MIT App Inventor without Code

Android Apps for Arduino with MIT App Inventor without Code

Android Apps for Arduino with MIT App Inventor without Coding is a practical course in which you’re going to build More than 8 Android applications to interact with the Arduino.

You Will Get:

  • Step-by-step instructions for building the app design and logic,
  • Downloadable code and schematics,
  • .aia files (files that you can use with MIT App Inventor 2 software to edit the app),
  • .apk files (files that you can run on your smartphone).

What you will build?

  • LED ON-OFF Controller (Bluetooth).
  • Login Protected LED ON-OFF Controller.
  • LED Slider (Bluetooth).
  • RGB LED Controller (Bluetooth).
  • Temperature Sensing Application.
  • Relay On-Off Control.
  • LCD Display Text Control.
  • Remote Controlled DC Motors (Robot Basics).

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