SSL-TLS Automation- Creating, Renewing & Managing Cert.webg

SSL/TLS Automation- Creating, Renewing & Managing Certs

automation refers to the process of automatically provisioning, renewing, and managing SSL/TLS certificates for websites and applications. SSL certificates are essential for securing data in transit and establishing trust between the server and the client. Automating SSL certificate management helps ensure that certificates are always up to date, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities and avoiding service disruptions due to expired certificates. SSL automation is essential for modern web and application infrastructure, as it simplifies certificate management and reduces the risk of security incidents caused by expired or improperly configured certificates. By automating SSL certificate management, you can focus on other aspects of maintaining a secure and reliable online presence.We will be talking about a shell based soultion for SSL Automation. This will help you in terms of reducing the work load towards provisioning, renewing, and managing SSL/TLS certificates.Some properties of this script:Run on Linux OS. Can be copied and executed on any company even on production env.As its a binary file you can execute it with ./SSL_AUTO(dot)sh. Build with Shell Scripting so no other programing lang needed.Videos part of this trianing have more information on how to operate this script.

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