ZerotoMastery – TypeScript Bootcamp Zero to Mastery

ZerotoMastery – TypeScript Bootcamp Zero to Mastery

1. TYPESCRIPT INTRODUCTION – Welcome to the course! You’re going to start by going over how the course is structured, plus strategies and pro-tips to get the most out of the course. You’ll also learn how to get your development environment set up and TypeScript installed, so that you’ll be geared up with a fully configured development environment and ready to deep dive into TypeScript.

2. TYPESCRIPT FUNDAMENTALS – We’ll lay the groundwork with basic programming concepts such as variables, functions, control flows and data structuring. You’ll begin to grasp the awesome power of TypeScript by learning how to use type annotations, how to create objects, and how to work with arrays like a pro.

3. INTERMEDIATE TYPESCRIPT: BEYOND THE BASICS – Here is where the fun begins. You’ll learn to master TypeScript classes, interfaces, maps, unions, and more. And the cherry on top? You’ll dive into asynchronous coding and the art of unit testing.

4. TYPESCRIPT PROJECT: WEATHER APP – Time to really get your hands dirty! You’ll construct a sophisticated app to fetch weather insights using the techniques and skills you’ve learned.

This project will also teach you about HTML templates, API data structuring, understanding HTTP dynamics, and the magic of TypeScript type definitions.

5. TYPESCRIPT UNION TYPES – Time to learn one of TypeScript’s most powerful features: union types. These can be used to define all the possibilities that may occur in various situations, allowing the TypeScript compiler to check all code that uses a union type and making it super easy to update the code later (there will be a compiler error when a mistake is made!)

6. TYPESCRIPT INTERFACES – Interfaces aren’t just blueprints…they breathe life into objects and functions! Interfaces act as a form of self-documenting code, which makes your codebase significantly easier to work with And the best part? TypeScript ensures they harness interfaces to their full potential.

Instead of having to read through out-of-date documentation it becomes possible to instead look at the interface and have all the information needed at your fingertips. As a bonus, TypeScript will be checking to make sure the interface is used correctly.

7. TYPE DEFINITION FILES – You’ll learn how to integrate existing JavaScript projects with TypeScript easily! That’s because type definition files allow existing JavaScript code to interoperate with TypeScript code.

Writing these takes some practice, so you’ll be doing lots of that. But once you master type definition files they open up the entire JavaScript ecosystem to TypeScript…which is pretty great considering there are over a million packages on the npm registry!

8. TYPESCRIPT TECHNIQUES AND PATTERNS – You’ll take deep dive into important TypeScript techniques and patterns, from discriminated unions to const assertions, and generics to iterators.

9. USER AUTHENTICATION – You’ll develop a sleek, and surprisingly complex, user account creation and sign-in application. This project will help your practice and synthesize the knowledge you’ve learned from the entire course, integrating TypeScript on the frontend and backend. Plus you’ll learn about database integration and effective code sharing across platforms.

Most importantly this course, like all Zero To Mastery courses, is a living thing that will be constantly updated. That means it will be your go-to place to find the latest TypeScript best practices and resources throughout your career.

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