ASP.NET Core 8 Complete Guide 2023 - [Task Management App]

ASP.NET Core 8 Complete Guide 2023 – [Task Management App]



Are you ready to take your web development skills to the next level? Dive into the world of modern web application development with our comprehensive course on ASP.NET Core Web API and Clean Architecture. This hands-on course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to build robust, maintainable, and scalable web APIs using the latest technologies and best practices.


1. Introduction to ASP.NET Core: Begin by understanding the fundamentals of ASP.NET Core, its advantages, and the history and also the new features of ASP.NET Core

2. Setting Up Your Development Environment: Get your development environment configured for ASP.NET Core development, including installing the necessary tools and libraries.

3. The Essentials: Explore the essentials of building web APIs with ASP.NET Core, including routing, controllers, actions, and model binding.

4. Data Access with Entity Framework Core: Dive into data access using Entity Framework Core, and discover how to interact with databases efficiently while maintaining a clean separation of concerns and using a rich domain model.

6. Implementing Clean Architecture Layers: Learn how to structure your application using the Clean Architecture approach, with clear boundaries between presentation, application, domain, and data access layers.

7. Authentication and Authorization: Secure your API using authentication and authorization techniques, including JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and role and policy based access control.

9. Advanced Topics: Delve into advanced topics such implementing caching, optimizing performance, and handling exceptions gracefully.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills and confidence to create high-quality ASP.NET Core Web APIs using Clean Architecture, making you a valuable asset to any development team. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your web development journey or an experienced developer seeking to stay up-to-date with the latest industry practices, this course will empower you to build efficient and maintainable web APIs.

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