Learn Laravel for Beginners - With Examples

Learn Laravel for Beginners – With Examples


Hello every body ,Here is a detailes outline for what we will learn in this course

This course is made for beginners to learn LARAVEL PHP Framework .In this course you will learn :

  1. What is Laravel and How to install and run Laravel
    • Know about Laravel as a framework
    • Installing Laravel using composer
    • Laravel File Structure
    • Introduction to artisan command file of Laravel
    • Introducing Laravel conventions
  2. The components of laravel :
    1. Routings – How requests are being read by processing the URI of a request
    2. Controllers – Managing the request ,processing data ,and sending responses
    3. Middle ware – The component that acts as a gateway to permit or prevent users from making requests
    4. Models – Connect ,Treat with databases and adding features
    5. Views – Manage printing data to end user (With some hints on HTML and JQuery)
    6. Helper Functions
  3. How to work with Models (Eloquent ORM) ,and managing database :
    1. Migrations – Build the database structure (Tables ,Fields , and Relationships)
    2. Seeds – Initiate data inside your database tables
    3. Factories – Create Fake and safe data to test your application
    4. Eloquent ORM – object-relational mapper (ORM) that makes it enjoyable to interact with your database
      1. Initiating models accodring to tables (Using Laravel conventions)
      2. Controlling filed of tables which are/are not visible on the model
      3. Adding additional properties to data on making calculations on the existing data to obtain other data
  4. Laravel API – for mobile APPs
    • Building responses for mobile applications using RESTFUL API

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