Practical Internet of Things Hacking

Practical Internet of Things Hacking


Welcome to Practical Internet of Things Hacking – 2021

Nowadays almost, every device has Internet access. IoT promises to bring supply chain efficiency, decreased maintenance downtime, home conveniences, and much more. There’s a lot of power being bestowed upon these little guys. And with great power… comes great vulnerabilities. Every IoT device no matter large or small it is, needs an operating environment. In the IoT world of embedded systems, that’s called firmware. But what is it, how do we hack it and what are the impacts for your home, in your organization and on your careers? We’re very excited to bring you a mini course of its kind that will takes you into a unique journey of extracting, reversing and exploiting the Firmware of Internet of Things. This course is ideal for penetration testers, security enthusiasts and network administrators.

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