Learn Laravel 9 For The Absolute Beginner With Chatgpt

Learn Laravel 9 For The Absolute Beginner With Chatgpt


This course will introduce the students to the basics of Laravel which includes how to create models, controllers, migrations, etc. by using the built-in artisan commands to avoid repetition. Using the artisan commands allows the developer to pay attention to implementing the actual business logic over spending more time creating the actual classes and files needed. The Laravel framework is quite powerful in that it gives the developer more freedom to implement the business logic of their application quickly. Students will also learn how to use PHP Storm and will be introduced to many other tools while taking the course.

After completing this course you will be able to create a Laravel 9 application as an absolute beginner with ChatGPT. You will also know how to work with docker and docker containers.  You will also be able to create tables using Laravel’s migrations and seeders to generate test data while also using the lightweight in-memory SQLite database that allows you to create tests that run super fast. This course will equip you with modern both backend and frontend skills. This course will also teach you how to outsource some of your front-end work to ChatGPT while you focus more on the backend work.

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