Build and connect Python Application to multiple databases

Advanced Python: Working with multiple databases


In today’s data-driven world, businesses rely on multiple relational databases to store and manage their valuable information. Python, being a powerful and versatile programming language, offers a wide range of tools and libraries that enable seamless integration and interaction with these databases. In this advanced Python course, you will explore the intricacies of working with multiple relational databases and learn how to harness Python’s capabilities to manipulate, query, and manage data effectively across different database systems.

When creating Python programs, you’ll likely want to populate data in an application automatically, or save data between user sessions. Databases help you to do this. They provide an organized structure so you can easily access, store, and manage large amounts of data. In this course, we’ll look at how to use databases in Python 3, we’ll create databases in SQLite, MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres. Then we’ll experiment with those databases using special Python modules that implement the Python database API.

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