TensorFlow 2

TensorFlow 2.x Essentials – 2021

ensorFlow 2.x is now one of the hottest demands in the Data Science market. Because of its customization, ability to handle big data, speed, development of machine learning, deep learning, and probabilistic models and model customization (research and development) make it has huge applications in the industries in the current world. Many industries looking for a Data Scientist with these skills. This course covers modelling techniques using TensorFlow 2.x.

We start with programming in TensorFlow 2.x which is the essential skill required and then we will do the necessary pre-processing to huge data.

Then throughout the course, we will work on building a custom regression model using a gradient descent algorithm in TensorFlow.

What you will Learn

· Python

· TensorFlow 2.x

· TensorBoard

· Dense Network

· Linear Regression

· Gradient Descent Algorithm

· Gradient Descent in TensorFlow 2.x

· Custom Model Training

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