Amazon ECS

Amazon ECS & Fargate Master Class – Docker on AWS

If you’d like to run Docker containers on AWS the right way, look no further than ECS!

ECS is the most integrated way to run your Docker services.

In this course, we will learn all the various options which will allow you to deploy any kind of application onto your ECS Clusters.

EC2 Launch Mode? Covered. Fargate Launch Mode? Covered too


  • Deploy ECS Clusters using the AWS Management Console, CloudFormation and the ECS CLI
  • Setup ECS and Fargate services, alongside ECS Task Definitions
  • Learn about Task Placement Strategies and Constraints
  • Learn the ECS Networking Modes
  • ECS Service Auto Scaling and Load Balancing
  • EC2 Instance Scaling through ECS Cluster Capacity Providers
  • Amazon ECR: Elastic Container Registry
  • Perform CICD on ECS with CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline
  • Blue / Green Deployments with ECS and CodeDeploy
  • Environment Variables from ECS (hardcoded, SSM, Secrets Manager, S3)
  • Connecting ECS to a Private Docker Repository such as Docker Hub
  • ECS Persistent Storage Options with EFS
  • Microservices with ECS: ECS Service Discovery, App Mesh

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