Dp-100 Azure Data Scientist Associate Complete Exam Guide

Dp-100 Azure Data Scientist Associate Complete Exam Guide


Do you want to quickly build, deploy, and scale Data Science and Machine Learning solutions, without knowing any in-depth code, worrying about containers / endpoints, or coding data pipelines?

Do you want to learn and master Azure Machine Learning, an enterprise-grade service by Microsoft that gives you tools for the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle?

Do you want to build, deploy, and manage high quality models faster and with confidence?

Do you want to be certified from Microsoft, so that you can put it on your Resume/CV and showcase to potential employers that you know how to deploy Data Science solutions using Azure Machine Learning?

Do you want to pass the Microsoft DP 100 on the first try, and want one single complete resource that has everything you need for the DP-100 certification?

Then this is the course for you. Learn from over 15 hours of instructional content with video lectures, demos, real-life applications, and practice exams, with the only complete guide to everything you need to know to pass the DP-100 exam and receive your certification.

This course gives you all the training you need to pass – with detailed lectures, demos, and practice questions for each of the 62 learning objectives within the DP100 curriculum. This course gives you the structure you need to succeed – we go through each learning objective in sequential order, so that you are never lost.

This course is also for those students who want to learn Azure Machine Learning, and its underlying services. Along with the training required to pass the DP 100 certification, students master this tool.

DP-100 Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure and Azure Data Scientist Associate certification is also called DP-100, DP100, and DP 100 certifications, and so these are used interchangeably.

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