Practical Database Guide with RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB)

Practical Database Guide with RDBMS(MySQL) & NoSQL(MongoDB)


Whether you are a full-stack, mobile, or even an AI developer – storing and managing DATA is the KEY!

Why am I mentioning these three types of developers?
Because there are tremendous job opportunities in these skill-sets and knowing RDBMS and NoSQL is a compulsion nowadays for these developers.

There is a shortage of hands-on talent (I am in this industry for the past 25 years and I know what talent pool is required to fulfill such said jobs).

Gone are those days when companies used to hire professionals on just one skill-set. Nowadays corporations are looking for multi-dimensional individuals who can perform a bunch of work together.

That’s the reason this course is designed and delivered in such a way that you get a 360-degree view of the development community especially when it comes to the database part i.e., MySQL as the medium to learn RDBMS concepts and MongoDB to learn about NoSQL concepts.

Once you go through this course, I am pretty sure you won’t have to refer to any further material to get to know about RDBMS and NoSQL.

It is totally up to you whether you want to learn just one of them or both. This is a comprehensive and progressive course that covers both the concepts in detail along with questions asked in real-world interviews. The practical assignments are those coding exercises that are asked by tech teams of top IT companies and which you need to learn in day-to-day programming.

This is a hands-on course and we’ll work on a wide variety of assignments so that you know how the data is dealt with in real-world scenarios.

By the end of this course, I am confident that you’ll have all the knowledge that you need to work with MySQL & MongoDB for your next projects!

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