Ansible For Tips and Tricks By 10+ Examples

Ansible For Tips and Tricks By 10+ Examples


Learn the Ansible automation technology with some real-life examples.

Every successful IT department needs automation nowadays for bare metal servers, virtual machines, could, containers, and edge computing. Automate your IT journey with Ansible automation technology.

I’m going to teach you example by example how to accomplish the most common System Administrator tasks.

Each of the 25+ lessons summarizes a real-life scenario, the most crucial module description, and the most vital parameter to succeed in your journey. Moreover, each code is battle proved in real life. Console interaction and verification are included in every video. A mundane activity like printing a text/variable during execution, Pause execution, How to Pass Variables to Ansible Playbook in the command line, breaking a string over multiple lines, Ansible ansible_hostname vs inventory_hostname, setting remote environment per task or play, executing a command on the Ansible localhost, three options to Safely Limit Ansible Playbooks Execution to a Single Machine, command vs shell modules, write a Variable to a File and these are only some of the long lists included in the course.

There are some Ansible codes usable in all your Linux systems and distributions.

Are you ready to automate your day with Ansible to the next level?

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