Build Pizza Restaurant Webiste Using Laravel

Build Pizza Restaurant Webiste Using Laravel


This courses will teach you how to create pizza hut-like website using Laravel.

In this course you will learn how to build pizza hut-like website using Laravel. Learning how to build an e-commerce website that lets customers order from you will give you the opportunity to build a real-world, in-demand project and will open up the door of opportunity for you to become a professional Full-Stack developer.

First, you will learn how to install PHP environment, then you will learn how to incorporate an HTML & CSS pizza hut-like template. Then you will be taught the most important parts of this projects such as creating a cart and letting customers checkout. Thereafter, you will be taught how to integrate Paypal Payment system so that customers will pay you.

You will also learn how to integrate PayPal correctly so that you receive money for your meals. PayPal is one of the most powerful payment systems. By integrating PayPal into your PHP website you will learn a very important skill that is indispensable these days in any website.

By the end of this course you will have built a project using Laravel framework that is capable of letting customers buy meals online while you have a control over the business and the website.

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