Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2022

Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2022


Welcome! I’m here to help you prepare and PASS the NEWEST AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C03 exam [Course FULLY updated]

—————– Updates List ——————

[September 2022 Update – SAA-C03]: Over 80 videos have been updated to reflect the NEW SAA-C03 exam

[April 2022 Update]: Over 30 videos have been refreshed/added to keep up with the AWS UI changes and exam changes

[October 2021 Update]: Over 100 videos have been refreshed/added to keep up with the AWS UI changes and exam changes

[April 2021 Update]: Over 100 videos have been refreshed/added to keep up with the AWS UI changes and exam changes

[Dec 2020 Update]: The S3 section has been entirely re-recorded to accommodate for the AWS UI changes

[May 2020 Update]: 20+ videos have been updated to keep up with AWS UI changes.

[February 2020 Update – SAA-C02]: The course has been updated for the NEW 2020 exam version. Overall, 80 videos have been added or updated, and the course is now 22 hours long. Happy learning!

[July 2019 Update]: Few lectures refreshed, including AWS Budgets and EC2 placement groups.

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