AWS Practical - Infrastructure

AWS Practical – Infrastructure


Hello everyone, today, I have brought to you, my students, the best AWS course ever published.

Like this? What is so spectacular about this course? What is different about this course with the other hundreds of courses found on the various platforms?

I tell you that I have been working with AWS for about 5 years, I started by seeing several courses on different platforms and all, absolutely all the courses told me: “Look, in AWS you can have your servers, your databases, configure your services, click here , click there and voila, everything configured. ” Hundreds of presentations, all showing the strengths of AWS and, in theory, all easy, all very “seller” style, you know, those that offer you a thousand wonders and when you are going to do it, you realize that they have not said how to do it, only theory, a lot of screen and little practice.

It happened to me, seriously, I enrolled in a course of more than one hundred hours, pure slide with each service explained in theory. When I tried to do it in my AWS account, I couldn’t do anything, they hadn’t told me how, how should I configure all these interesting topics? What commands should I use? Where should I use them? What permissions should I configure? Where should I configure them? AND

On many occasions, configuring an AWS service is not just a click here and a click there and everything works, there are many administrative issues that are not dealt with correctly, only theory.

So, I decided to learn AWS by myself, from this 4 years ago, and I decided to create this course, where I am not trying to sell the AWS service, but I explain in detail, in clear language and with completely practical examples , how to use the main AWS services, explained in the way that I would have wanted to be taught to use AWS services a while ago

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