Microsoft Cloud Training Azure Fundamentals & Administration

Microsoft Cloud Training Azure Fundamentals & Administration


Learn Microsoft Azure Fundamentals and Administration with full practical base tutorials

Course Summary

I have designed this course with full practical based tutorials that will help you to learn step by step

1. Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

2. Microsoft Azure Administration

After successful completion of this course, you will

1. Receive a Certificate

2. Get competitive position to get a job

3. Be able to prepare projects for your education

4. Introduce Cloud Technology for your Company

5. Able to handle Azure Portal and do the Administration tasks smoothly

The course is divided into two parts

Azure Fundamentals & Administration Part-1

01. How to Create Virtual Machine on Azure

02. How to Deploy Azure Container Instances

03. How to Create Blob Storage in Azure Portal

04. How to Create SQL Database in Azure Portal

05. The Process to Create Web App in Azure portal

06. The Way to Connect Virtual Machines via Virtual Network

Azure Fundamentals & Administration Part-2

07. The Process to Create Function App in Azure Portal

08. How to Create Virtual Machine from Template

09. Simulator Testing Process after Creating IoT Hub and Device

10. How to Create Azure Key Vault and Secret to Key Vault

11. How to Secure Network Traffic using Azure Portal

12. How to Create Policy in Azure Portal

13. How to Add a lock to Resource Group

14. How to use Azure Pricing Calculator

15. Azure Pricing Calculator

16. How to Use Azure Total Cost of Ownership Calculator

Best of luck!

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