IoT Programming NodeMCU - ESP8266 & Arduino

IoT Programming NodeMCU – ESP8266 & Arduino


This course is Designed to make strong foundation and prepare student to grow their career in the field of IoT ( Internet of Things )

Apart from the video lectures, This course has Articles on each and every topic which help students to understand better.

The quiz are designed to assist student to increase its knowledge about every topic.     

This course is fully focused on giving student knowledge about  Arduino IDE and Built-in functions which help you make so many of projects.

And we have discussed the Real life example of IoT ( Internet of Things ) so that you can connect and understand more about IoT while learning Programming

This course will help student to learn so much about Programming and Arduino IDE.

In this Course you will learn about following things:

  • Arduino IDE
  • Arduino programming structure
  • Built-in functions
  • Projects using Arduino and NodeMCU– Distance Measurement device– RFID card reader

Teaching Methodology Highlights:

1) Professionally authored and edited lectures for serious and easy learning

2) Easy presentation style, with power points !!

3) Generous use of technology enabled teaching products to enhance learning outcome

4) Carefully planned and sequenced small lectures most of them under 3 min many under 2 min.

5) Guaranteed learning in every lecture!

6) Generous descriptions for each lecture and Section

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