C# ASP.NET Core with Project

C# ASP.NET Core with Project


This is a beginner’s course in ASP.NET Core.

About the Project

A project “Find a Doctor” is completed as the course progresses.

Registration and Login Modules

Role based Authentication and Authorization

SQlite as Database

Doctors and patients can update their profiles and pictures

Patients can search for doctors of various specializations and in various cities.

AJAX based cascading dropdowns for search

JSON based database of cities

Patients can upload PDF reports

A consultation and a payment loop is fully built in this project.

Bootstrap based UI

Source code is provided in zipped form for each step of completion

Even though the project is “Find a Doctor”, but it can be thought of as a “customer-service provider project”. Hence, it can be modified for a website where customers search for plumbers, technicians, etc., or for a website where students search for teachers of various subjects.

Modules of the project are INTERLACED with theory topics and added consistently. The last lecture finishes the project.

Following is the table of chapters covered in this video course.

Ch 1 – Razor Pages

L01 – Introduction to Razor Pages (20 min)

L02 – Middleware Configuration (15 min)

L03 – Integrating CSS, JS and _Layout (16 min)

L04 – Inter Page Navigation and Linking of Razor Pages with Tag Helpers (10 min)

Exercises on Ch1

Find a Doctor (Project Step 1 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 2 – Basic Event Handling in Razor Pages

L01 – How to handle a click event (14 min)

L02 – Creating an HTML FORM with Razor Pages (15 min)

L03 – How to handle a FORM submit event (10 min)

L04 – How to handle Server Side Validation (14 min)

Exercises on Ch2

Find a Doctor (Project Step 2 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 3 – Database Connectivity – I

L01 – Various Database Options and the initial Setup (13 min)

L02 – Getting Started with Database INSERT of Form data (23 min)

L03 – Strategy to handle a DbUpdateException (9 min)

L04 – Composite Primary Keys and Search by PK (9 min)

L05 – Displaying Data and OnGetAsync (10 min)

L06 – Deleting Records and the Anchor Tag Helper (10 min)

L07 – Updating Records (13 min)

L08 – Checkbox in a Razor Form (13 min)

L09 – Radiobuttonlist in a Razor Form (15 min)

Find a Doctor (Project Step 3 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 4 – Modularity

L01 – ViewImports (10 min)

L02 – Razor Components (20 min)

L03 – Currency Converter Component (10 mins)

Find a Doctor (Project Step 4 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 5 – Areas and Partial Views

L01 – Concept of Areas and an Authorization Scheme (17 min)

L02 – Partial Views (19:59 mins)

Find a Doctor (Project Step 5 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 6 – State Management

L01 – Reading and Writing Cookies (18 min)

L02 – Consent Banner with ITrackingConsentFeature (13 min)

L03 – The Concept of Session (16 min)

L04 – Serializing DateTime into Session (9 min)

L05 – When and how to use TempData (11 min)

Ch 7 – Authentication and Authorization

L01 – Configuring Role based Authorization (15 min)

L02 – SignIn, ReturnUrl and LocalRedirect (17 min)

L03 – Displaying User Info on each Page (7 min)

L04 – SignOutAsync with Tag Helpers (8 min)

Find a Doctor (Project Step 6 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 8 – Database Connectivity – II

L01 – Dropdownlist in a Razor Form (7 min)

L02 – Uploading file(s) and Storing in a Database (16 min)

L03 – Downloading file(s) and FileResult (11 min)

Find a Doctor (Project Step 7 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 9 – Ajax Communication

L01 – Ajax based POST of a Razor FORM (13 min)

L02 – Ajax based POST without a FORM (11 min)

L03 – Parameterized AJAX GET Request to a C# function (10 min)

L04 – Ajax based EBook style Admin Panel (8 min)

L05 – Authentication and Authorization with AJAX Requests (8 min)

L06 – Inline, In-place Edit, Update, Cancel of records (13 min)

L07 – Master Slave Cascading Dropdowns with Ajax (13 min)

Find a Doctor (Project Step 8 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 10 – Understanding LINQ Queries

L01 – SingleOrDefault, Find, FirstOrDefault, Single and First (11 min)

L02 – Where, Include and ToList (10 min)

L03 – How to Sort Records (6 min)

L04 – Direct Execution of SQL Queries and Stored Procedures (9 min)

Find a Doctor (Project Step 9 Implementation Walkthrough)

Ch 11 – Database Connectivity – III

L01 – Status of the App_Data folder in ASP.NET Core (10 mins)

L02 – XML as a database in ASP.NET Core (9 mins)

L03 – Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection with XML as Database (16 mins)

Find a Doctor (Finalized)

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