10 (Amazing) CSS3 UI Design Projects

10 (Amazing) CSS3 UI Design Projects

About This Class

This is the unique class where you’re going to learn “how to build real-world” UI design projects in pure CSS and almost little (or no) Javascript.

In this class, we are gonna build 10 (Amazing) CSS3 UI Design projects you can use instantly on your website and also going to deepen your css3 knowledge.

Here are the 10 projects you’re gonna build.

  1. CSSTricks Like Card Carousel Design (Mind Blowing Project)
  2. Premium Accordion in Pure CSS
  3. Sexiest Blog Card (And Layout) Design
  4. Dead Sexy Material Design Login Form
  5. Responsive Modal And Full Screen Overlay in Pure CSS
  6. Luxurious Navbar with Top Bar
  7. Halloween Navbar- Sidebar And Bottom Bar
  8. Beautiful Tabs in Pure CSS
  9. Styling Links With CSS
  10. Image Slider in Pure CSS.

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